Provide a professional and non-political platform to business community.
Organizing the business community in corresponding districts.
Analyze problems being faced by the business community and advocate practical solutions.
Provide district-wise coherent plans for giving a meaningful direction to the vibrant community in the Paksitan with a focus to generate economies of scale, activity, employment, taxes, productivity, exports resulting in a momentum in right direction.
Provide professional suggestions to the government(s) for budget making.
Act as a watchdog for implementation of government policies.
Act as a bridge between government(s) and business community.
Identify sectors with potential to grow.
Provide networking ability among-st businesses within their respective districts and with national and international businesses and forums.
Identify and groom talented leadership to contribute towards the development of their district and the country as a whole.
Act as an advocacy group for communicating with the businessmen of the district.